everyday we see a "Real" need of someone we know or work with. We
know we cannot save everyone, change all situations or feed
families for the rest of their lives. It’s impossible and its not
helpful to the people or situations.
However there are times or emergencies where people need real
help and fast. This is why we set up our benevolence fund many
years ago to help those we know, when called by The Lord to be
the body of Christ.
“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in
need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide
in him? “ 1 John 3:17
Through discernment, trusted relationships, and situational
understanding, we are able to meet desperate needs quickly with
our benevolence fund. This allows us to help with medical
situations, malnourished families, major unexpected financial
burdens, or even short-term job / income loss for many we
By giving to the benevolence fund, you are entrusting us to care
for others in a tangible trusted way. This glorifies God by being
the hands and feet to help the body get back up again.

Benevolence Fund
- Known as The Way
- Projects and Fundraisers
- Donations to this project are tax-deductible
About This Project
Recent Supporters
LJ Fair LLC. 2 months ago
Peter 2 months ago
Scott 11 months ago
Project Owner
Known as The Way

Known As The Way was founded in SE Asia with the goal of reaching people with the Gospel through social justice, discipleship, and church planting.
- Website
2309 Oakwood Dr
Carrollton, Texas 75006-1510 - Phone 8017843929
- Email