"Be Kind, For Everyone Is Fighting A Hard Battle"
Organizational Support
In order to make things happen, our organization also needs support to operate efficiently. By giving to the organization, you help support projects, people, and the logistics needed to get the gospel into the lives of real people and their communities.
Sacred Farm Sustainability Community
To create an environment for transforming lives holistically
through the power of the gospel, by having a life on life
discipleship environment that allows both non, new and old
believers a placed to be equipped for the multiplying work of the
ministry of the gospel.
Additionally it will be a safe place for trainings, job skills, education, basic hygiene, livelihoods, housing and care.
Our Goal now that we have land is to raise enough funding build 5 homes and 2 training centers on site by 2025.
Benevolence Fund
everyday we see a "Real" need of someone we know or work with. We
know we cannot save everyone, change all situations or feed
families for the rest of their lives. It’s impossible and its not
helpful to the people or situations.
However there are times or emergencies where people need real
help and fast. This is why we set up our benevolence fund many
years ago to help those we know, when called by The Lord to be
the body of Christ.
“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in
need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide
in him? “ 1 John 3:17
Through discernment, trusted relationships, and situational
understanding, we are able to meet desperate needs quickly with
our benevolence fund. This allows us to help with medical
situations, malnourished families, major unexpected financial
burdens, or even short-term job / income loss for many we
By giving to the benevolence fund, you are entrusting us to care
for others in a tangible trusted way. This glorifies God by being
the hands and feet to help the body get back up again.
100 For 100 Ways To Bless
Known as The Way was founded in SE Asia with the goal of reaching people with the Gospel through social justice, discipleship, and church planting. One of the major ways we are able to do this, is through blessing others with no strings attached.
We're creating a campaign to get 100 people, blessing 100 other people or more, who are in poverty or difficult situations.
We plan to do one of the projects below on a bi-monthly basis once we reach the equivalent of 100 supporters giving $50 on a recurring basis.
Each project will help 100 or more people each time.
-Clothing Drive / toys
-Food / relief distributions
-Clean Water
-Electricity (sustainable)
-Medical (education, checkups, eye test, care, medicine etc etc )
These projects will lead to long lasting relationships, that always lead to natural discipleship, love and care.
In order to bless others we need your prayers and support. Please consider giving to this project on a recurring basis and help hundreds of those in need.
You could change the lives of over 600 people every year for as little as $50.
Story Bible Production
In order to reach Buddhist in culturally contextualized forms, we have created an indigenous story bible that tells the story of God in a way that relates to the Buddhist worldview. We currently have translated it in Burmese, Shan, and Northern Thai languages and have printed over 50,000 copies. Our cost range from $0.25 -$1.00 per story-bible, and each bible can impact up to 25 or more individuals with the true gospel.
Help us not only print more story-bibles but translate it into new languages here in SE Asia.
1 Story Bible could change the lives of thousands of people over time.
Living Water (Filters)
The Living Water Project is an ongoing platform that uses clean water initiatives to bless communities and show the love of Christ. Whether its a family water filter or community tube well, our goal is to bless the "least of these" with clean sustainable water.
Our water filters cost about $15 per unit.
By using the living water project as a bridge into new communities, our teams can establish trusted relationships that lead to real life on life discipleship.
A ongoing support of this project will not only change the lives of people and communities physically, but also spiritually.
Known as The Way connects you to indigenous missions opportunities by providing ways to bless and pray for Gospel-centered projects.
Our Impact
given since January 1, 2025
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